Learn@Lunch with Scientia Professor Toby Walsh

9 May 2018 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm
Customs House, Level 1 31 Alfred Street Sydney, NSW 2000

Our Artificially Intelligent Future

In the years ahead, will driverless cars prevent accidents or cause them? Will intelligent machines spell the death knell of the modern workforce, or present shiny new opportunities? Will Siri one day shed the friendly voice and reveal itself as the malevolent HAL 9000?

Love it or fear it, artificial intelligence is becoming an indispensable part of our lives, and there’s no denying that technological advancement has a transformative effect on society and the economy. While many relish the streamlined existence that AI can create, for others the risk of a Terminator-esque Skynet takeover seems incredibly real. As AI developments continue, questions around risk, ethics and application arise.

At our May Learn @Lunch presentation, leading researcher and UNSW Scientia Professor Toby Walsh will discuss some of the common misconceptions around AI today, share his predictions around what AI will achieve by 2050, and shed light on whether mankind should feel liberated or threatened by a world in which the intelligence of machines may one day surpass our own.

Please note: external food is not permitted inside the venue. Light refreshments will be provided.